Returning Tenancies and Tenants

Question: How do we associate tenants with tenancies?

This can be achieved using the following process:

  1. Use one of the available Inventory endpoints to find a property or properties:
    1. /inventory
    2. /inventory/items
    3. /inventory/{inventoryId}
    4. /inventory/filter
    5. /inventory/search
  2. Next, you can find Tenancies by Inventory here:
  3. Then, once you have the Tenancies, the Contacts (Tenants) are found using the call below (you will match these contactIds with the next call).
  4. Now, to get the contact details you will use this endpoint which will return the details for the contactIds provided.
  5. Finally, If you match the contactIds from get_contactsById with contactIds found in get_tenancies-tenancyId-tenantIds you will have your relationship.